"They will not forget, instead, the imprecise shadows of what was concealed from sight".
Memory of the concealed and the manifest
Ángel Bonomini
"The comparison between the sound (evidenced in the rattle bells) and the silence (evidenced in the emptiness within the words) is augmented by the circular form of the works that, as a rounding curve, is quintessentially feminine and also alludes to the prayer that is the rhythmic sense of poetry.
In the order of her latest works, Ms. Corcuera Teran readdresses textiles by reference to the old tradition of “La Randa” brought by the Spanish to Latin America in the fifteenth century. Said tradition is still present in Argentina, particularly in the northern province of Tucumán. In this works Ms. Corcuera Teran’s passion for taking up that which is popular but awarding it hierarchy, placing it in another context to achieve a living and lasting culture." see full text
Mariana Blousson.
Lo oculto y lo manifiesto The concealed and the manifest, 2014/2015. Acrylic on canvas and iron (rattle). 100x100cm.
Escudo II, Homenaje a W. Morris Shield II, Tribute to W. Morris, 2012. Acrylic and epoxy resin on canvas. 50x50cm.
La nueva Bizancio II The new Bizantium II, 2012. Acrylic and glitter on coca leafs on canvas. 50x50cm.
Salva la vida Save the life, 2014. Disposed expanded polyurethane, thread, bandages, acrylic and bells. 100x50cm.
Peinetones Rotos, 2019. View 1. Lacquer-painted iron. Center 63x20x21cm.aprox. Left 18x40x27cm.aprox. Right 16x37x30cm.aprox.